10 Laws of Social Media Marketing

By Isak Aug 6, 2022 #Social Media Marketing
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Social media is termed a golden platform for businesses as it has given a completely new direction to traditional marketing. Due to social media marketing that has become a common and relatively cost-effective tool, businesses started to flourish and skyrocket their reach and audience without spending thousands of dollars.

However, it is not that simple. To fully benefit from opportunities that social media offer, it’s necessary to be aware of the laws of social media marketing, however only a bunch of social media users are aware of the fundamental principles that social media marketing is based on. Not knowing these rules and not implementing them in your social media marketing strategy can cause a big loss to your business by harming your reputation which results in decreasing your followers and eventually reducing your sales opportunities.

If you have a business and you are on social media, do yourself a favour and adopt the following social media marketing laws to maximize the potential of your business. By abiding by these ten laws, you will enhance your image by making close contact and connections with your customers who can become your strong followers and fans.

  1. The Law of Listening

The difference between social media and other media is that social media is more of an interactive and two-way communication, rather than a monologue. As social media marketing is based on dialogue, listening is one of the most important skills. Businesses must understand that social media is not all about posting content continuously and not paying heed to what your followers or audience have to say, but primarily about listening to what your audience expects from you.

Listening can be taken as an observation here. Your listening and observation should be emphatic and attentive. Observing and listening to what your audience likes and dislikes is fundamental to your success. You can only know their interests if you pay attention to what they say. If you don’t listen to your audience and ignore their needs, you can create an unfavorable image that will work against you. Therefore, it is so important to acknowledge the needs and interests of your audience and then draft your content aligned with them.

  1. The Law of Focus

Another fundamental law of social media marketing is the focus. Your social media educatshould be niche-oriented. Currently, being all things to all people makes your message unclear and ineffective. So instead of trying to become a jack of all trades, it is better to specialize in one niche, offering super in-depth content. In general, it is advisable not to defocus to broaden your niche as it looks inauthentic.

For your social media marketing to look organic, natural and compelling, you should focus on one thing. In fact, it is necessary to build a strategy that will underpin all your social media activities. People are attracted more to profiles that are niche-oriented with specific goals to achieve. By implementing a clear message to your social media communication, you will create an image of a professional business and eventually bring lots of quality followers.

  1. The Law of Quality

It is unlikely that your business or brand will get any progress if your focus is quantity rather than quality. The law of quality is to stick to the quality and not mind the quantity. It will not make any difference if you post so much content with poor quality. Instead, it will decrease your fame and credibility. Quality can never be superseded by quantity. If you are willing to communicate with your audience on social media in an effective manner, quality is the key.

According to the authors of “Social Media Marketing: Step by Step Instructions For Advertising Your Business on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Various Other Platforms” Noah Gray and Michael Fox, “All social media sites have standards for how the content is posted.” Therefore, businesses need to be aware what specific content works best for their audience to provide their followers with high quality content. Thus, it’s necessary to remember that each platform has been designed to publish a specific type of content. For instance, the primary purpose of YouTube is videos, while Instagram focuses on pictures, Twitter is for shorter messages, and Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to provide more information about what you want to share.

With that in mind, as a business owner you should pay a lot of attention to the content quality as it attracts more and more followers ready to engage with your brand, enhancing your brand credibility. That is why you need to keep the law of quality in mind when marketing your company on social media.

  1. The Law of Patience

The law of patience means to be patient with your brand, business, or service reputation. Businesses usually don’t succeed at the first attempt. Although it theoretically may happen, it’s statistically very rare so you need to prime yourself for a marathon not a sprint as achieving goals usually takes time. If you want to uptake your business effectively, then rely on slow and steady work. Remember that a thousand-mile journey starts with a single step so appreciate your journey to success and reach your destination step-by-step.

You will crash in the end if you go towards instant results. Everything that gives instant results is likely to vanish after a while. So if you want the long-term benefits of your company’s social media marketing, be patient, as only then you will reap the rewards of your efforts.

  1. The Law of Compounding

The law of compounding is a must to follow if you want to excel in social media and get the best out of it. Similarly to investing where you can grow money benefitting from the interest you earn on interest which is called the power of compound interest, you can grow a bigger and bigger audience using new followers’ reach to gain more and more followers. By increasing your reach through social sharing, your reach is much wider. Think of it as social compounding. You make valuable content and share it with your network. Then someone shares it with theirs, and then it turns out it gets shared again due to that sharing. When it works, it may be a very powerful method of increasing your brand recognition.

This content resharing process based on a compounding effect is an important factor in effective social media marketing to drive traffic to your website, which in turn may influence your ranking on Google or other search engines. According to the law of compounding, the bigger your social media audience, the greater your chance of reaching new followers and growing your business faster and faster.

  1. The Law of Influence

The law of influence is another fundamental law. Social media marketers underestimate influencer marketing. For the best results from your marketing campaigns, use  marketing techniques based on influencers. However, you need to remember that not all influencers provide the same value and not all are equally influential. It is helpful to reach out to only credible influencers with quality followers.

If you do your homework and make a thoughtful selection to choose just reliable influencers, incredible outcomes will come. Working with influencers is very powerful. One of marketing techniques is sending your product to an influencer with a strong audience base to review your product and share their impressions with their followers.

  1. The Law of Value

Law of value means adding value to the lives of people following you through your content. Yes, it is important. Ask yourself what value your content adds to their lives? It can be a smile or information in the shape of a flow chart or table; it can add sense and value in any way.

If you are creating and posting content but it does not add value to your followers, there are chances your social media marketing will fail.

  1. Law of Acknowledgement:

Who likes to be neglected or ignored? No one!

You should never ignore your followers’ queries and comments. It is very important to acknowledge what they have to say. Their queries must be responded to effectively, and you should also try to respond to their comments.

Even try to respond nicely to the negative comments. It adds value through communication.

  1. Law of Accessibility:

The law of accessibility is staying available after posting your content. Do not vanish after posting the content. Stay there and work on your engagement. Yes, engage with your followers by responding and conversing with them.

Try to be as much available as possible. If you post content and then disappear for long, there are chances of losing a bunch of your followers.

You should be accessible to your followers for your online services.

  1. Law of Reciprocity:

This is one of the most neglected points. Social media is a platform that supports the community. You should build a community by having reciprocity in your social media presence.

If you don’t take time to look at others and admire their services, why would they do it for you?

People do a lot to make their social media marketing efforts fruitful. They finance a lot of services like buying Instagram followers or Instagram auto likesIf you add value to other people’s content, they will definitely do it for you.


These ten laws guarantee your social media marketing campaigns are successful. While doing social media marketing, try to incorporate all of them. Do not fail your marketing strategies by neglecting a few points.

By Isak

Founder of online guider blog (A guest posting website). I love reading, writing, and sharing my skills and knowledge all over the world using a modern digital platforms.

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