How to Use Data Visualization in Your Content to Increase Readers and Leads

Data visualization has become a common term in the content marketing industry. What does this term refer to? These are graphical images that represent and explain data trends in a simple way or any numerical information. It is created in the form of maps, chains, and scatter plots.

Do you know that you can easily use data visualization to increase the number of readers and generate more leads on your content site? Now you know! This article shares a bunch of tips on how you can make use of data visualization to increase leas and the number of users.

Present Data in a Content Marketing Manner

It is vital to add visualization to your content marketing strategy. In this case, data can be presented in several ways to attract the attention of readers. However, the method you choose depends on the type of data you present and your target audience. You need to keep several practices in mind for your data to capture the attention of readers. This includes:

  • Design

It is vital to implement a simple data visualization mechanism. To be safer, you need to group related data points while the data that deserves emphasis needs to stand out in contrasting color schemes. The numbers should be rounded, and all the text should be minimized to enhance quick reading.

Analysis has revealed that 3D pictures should be avoided by all means, especially if the data is presented in a more simplified manner. If you have a logo, ensure that it is well-positioned to spread the awareness of your brand.

  • Actionability

All data visualization instances should convey action that can be helpful to the readers. Remember that any form of data is useless whenever it lacks actionable insights. This means that it is vital for all the data presented to be full of actionable insights to its target audience for example if we are creating data visualization to understand the flow of our data, then Sankey chart(Data Flow Chart) should be actionable that can easily understandable by the audience.

  • Context

The viewers need to understand the importance of the data being conveyed apart from the graphics being presented. When you eliminate the story and the context around the visual, the data should still make sense.

  •  Use Data to Tell a Story

Do you know that storytelling makes data more relevant? Nobody is interested in reading dry blocks of data without any story in line. It is no secret that storytelling makes data memorable and brings out its meaning. Even though data visualization can help you tell a story to your readers, it is vital to understand the story before telling it.

Besides, before telling any story, you need to understand your audience perfectly. Identifying the characteristics of your audience is more critical since it will help you tell a story that resonates well with them. Once you have already identified your target audience, go ahead and generate a content marketing offer.

To be successful, you need to utilize the data you have at hand and pass a story that perfectly resonates with your targeted audience. Do not forget to point out the worthy data points which will significantly contribute to generating leads.

Implement Data Visualization in Attracting and not Converting

Presenting data on a chart or map is an incredible content marketing mechanism that generates exceptional results. However, data visualization should accompany all your content marketing offers that you have at hand. This is because data visualization will help you draw all the attention to content offers due to its viral nature online.

Note that visual content is processed faster compared to the written form of content. This is because the human brain has the capabilities of processing visual content type at a faster rate. You need to attract visitors to your site using data visualization and use the data-driven content offer to change the visitors into leads.

Types of Data Visualization

Data visualization entails the process of creating attractive images and graphics that grab the attention of readers. Below are the common types of data visualization.

  • Pie Charts

It incorporates circles that represent (100%) of a given aspect. That is broken into different slices that represent different parts of a whole. Pie charts give users an incredible way of illustrating how different categories compare to the larger context of the whole thing.

  • Infographics

This is considered a power horse of all images found online. An infographic is a collection of charts or graphs that are well-curated. It is used to share high-level information about a given topic or tell more about a specific narrative. Infographics are usually designed vertically with solid headlines under the numbers.

  • Tables

Tables give users multiple data points and categories that help users understand the relationship between various data points. Note that tables are the easiest data visualization types, although they can easily get cluttered.

  • GIFs

GIFs functions as quick videos allowing users to access large volumes of data within the shortest time possible. They are mostly used to showcase progress, movement, or regression.

  • Maps

Maps are mainly used to tell a story in a visual manner. They aid in presenting stories in a demographic way connecting readers with the information in specific areas.


  • How do you use data visualization to win your audience?

Choosing the best type of chart to use is the immediate step when you want to pursue your target audience. Ensure that you follow all the best practices of visualization and the data given is accurate. This will help your target to navigate through the presented data with ease.

  • How is Data visualization used in marketing?

Marketers use data visualization to create content that discusses more about the product or service they are offering. They then use visualization to reinforce the content and pass it to the public members.

  • What is the best way to present data generated from the analysis?

Incorporate the data in a chart and include all the necessary data points in an orderly manner that your target audience can comprehend.

Bottom Line

It is evident that data visualization has the capabilities of increasing the number of readers as well as generating more leads. However, it is vital to understand how to visualize data and align it perfectly with your target audience, just like a Sankey Diagram. This will significantly help by generating traffic and increasing the number of leads recorded.

By Isak

Founder of online guider blog (A guest posting website). I love reading, writing, and sharing my skills and knowledge all over the world using a modern digital platforms.

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