9 Best Ways to Use Your Explainer Video Effectively

9 Best Ways to Use Your Explainer Video Effectively-5516bc00

It’s no hidden fact that video is a much more powerful tool to generate results than plain text. They are increasing in popularity not because they’re easy to create now. But, because of how they effectively advertise your products and increase your sales.

9 Best Ways to Use Your Explainer Video Effectively-5516bc00

However, just because you create excellent explainer videos doesn’t mean it will work. To get the best results, it is equally necessary to use your explainer videos the right way. Besides creating attractive videos with amazing effects and efficiency, you must also know all the ins and outs of how to use them.

Sounds intimidating right? But don’t worry. That’s what we’re here for. In this post, we’ll be disclosing the best ways to use your explainer videos.

Why are explainer videos so powerful?

Explainer videos are best known for capturing users’ attention in a short span. Keeping this factor in mind, businesses are looking forward to creating educational and informative videos to convey their message.

But what makes them so powerful? Here are a few reasons that can compel you to make a stand-out explainer video.

  • Powerful sales tool
  • Cost-effective
  • Improve search engine results
  • Highly shareable
  • Retain information for longer, and more

Still here? You’ve probably decided to invest in video. Make sure to hire the best explainer video company only. Plus, when you do, reap all of its benefits by using it the right way. Here are 9 different ways you can do so:

1.      Incorporate videos into the landing page

Your website’s landing page is the best place to incorporate videos. Not only do they catch the users’ eye but they also compel them to stay longer on your site. And, what happens when users stay longer on your site? They may ultimately turn into quality leads.

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Besides, adding an explainer video to your landing page can increase conversions by as much as 80%.  And, more the conversions, the better the productivity. For example, if you want to create awareness about what you offer, you can include an introductory video. By doing so, viewers will get a clearer idea about what you do and what you have to offer.

2.      Attach videos to your emails

Another best way to use explainer videos is by attaching them to your emails. Emails do a lot more than just share the information. Yet, who doesn’t like an impressive email? By personalizing your emails, you can redirect your visitors to your website.

As a result, you’ll have a better chance of your products selling. Apart from that, it will improve the click-through rate as well. Marketers who leverage the benefits of videos as part of their email marketing strategy, report more traffic to their site, aiding quick growth.

3.      Use explainer videos for online ad campaigns

This is the era of social media. Running an online ad campaign, you can hook the users in a breeze. So, to target a huge market at the same time, you can publish explainer videos on social platforms to improve your social media ad campaign. For example, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more, all work well to target audiences and generate sales.

Suppose you post a video on Facebook, it will quickly appear on your followers’ feed, allowing them to have first-hand knowledge about your product/service. Besides, to launch new products into the market, you can always rely on videos.

4.      Add explainer videos into a blog post

We all know that blogs can sometimes get boring. To break the continuity of text and make your content more interesting, you can incorporate videos for customers to watch. It will help the reader better understand your concept and increase retention rates as well.

Moreover, when explaining complex ideas or products, you can rely on explainer videos. However, make sure the video you run into the blog is relevant and adds value to your content.

5.      Play explainer videos at corporate events

You may also leverage the benefits of an explainer video by playing it at a corporate event. An impressive video with subtitles can help build an emotional bond with your audience. Your video may explain how your service or product can be a solution to their problems, without breaking the bank. And, also compel them to make a purchase.

So, when you play a video at an event, the viewers might turn into potential customers. Don’t forget to attach the link to your website so that users can visit directly and make an informed decision.

6.      Embed explainer videos into case studies

Viewers often rely on case studies to see how your service/product can help them hit their business goals. They’re great tools for grabbing attention and boosting conversions. Case studies with an explainer video embedded in them have higher chances of being on the first page of the Google SERP. Here is the list of SERP rank checker tool.

With explainer videos, viewers find it easy to relate to the scenarios and make better decisions. Besides, videos tend to make case studies more authentic and are great for generating trust between you and your audience.

7.      Leverage explainer videos for training and onboarding

It’s hard to grasp a lot of information at once. That’s why it’s best to use video for the training of new employees. Also, for onboarding purposes. As most people are visual listeners who tend to remember video content for a long, using training videos can help bring long-term sustainability.

Also, you can avail of the benefits of video to onboard new customers. With videos, you can express your thoughts, internal company processes, and more, in a way that is entertaining and easy to remember.

8.      Share testimonials by using videos

Testimonials are a crucial component of any marketing strategy. The greatest method to win over potential consumers is to demonstrate how you handle issues with actual clients. You can showcase reviews from clients in the form of videos and share them across your platforms.

Plus, this might be a client endorsement or your success or failure narrative concerning work completed or left undone, presented in a few vivid frames. Let the evidence speak for itself.

9.      Use videos to introduce your team

It’s pretty simple, people prefer to work with those they know and trust. Thus, it’s a good idea to explain who you are and how are you different than others with the help of an explainer video. Convey your values and show the team behind the screen. Also, demonstrate who is responsible for the main stages of the development process.

What you can do is create one short video or a series of funny and engaging ones to introduce your team. Don’t forget to share them on all your social media handles to hook viewers.


Today, explainer videos are almost everywhere. They’re one of the best tools to generate revenue and explain your services at the same time. However, creating effective videos is one thing, and using them the right way is another.

Lastly, we hope the guide above will help you to use your explainer video the right way. So, get started right away!

By Isak

Founder of online guider blog (A guest posting website). I love reading, writing, and sharing my skills and knowledge all over the world using a modern digital platforms.

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